Getting foreground, background color of JTable cells

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To retrieve the foreground or background color of JTable cells the Java API can be used directly inside of the Squish test scripts:

def main():

    jtable = waitForObject({"type": "javax.swing.JTable"})

    # This is an instance of javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource
    background = get_jtable_cell_background(jtable, 0, 0), background.getRed())

def get_jtable_cell_foreground(jtable, row, column):
    component = get_jtable_cell_component(jtable, row, column)
    return component.getForeground()

def get_jtable_cell_background(jtable, row, column):
    component = get_jtable_cell_component(jtable, row, column)
    return component.getBackground()

def get_jtable_cell_component(jtable, row, column):
    renderer = jtable.getCellRenderer(row, column);
    value = jtable.getModel().getValueAt(row, column)
    selectedColor = jtable.getSelectionModel().isSelectedIndex(row)
    hasFocus = True
    component = renderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(jtable, value, selectedColor, hasFocus, row, column)
    return component

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