Missing .csexe Files when executing an instrumented application

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After running an instrumented application, it is possible that the execution report (the .csexe file) is not generated or cannot be found in the expected folder.

In this case, the following actions are often helpful.

  1. The execution report is generated in the current working directory of the application. This directory may be different from the directory in which the executable resides. Check this directory.
  2. Make sure that the working directory of the instrumented application is writeable.
  3. The name of the execution report is not necessarily derived from the file name of the program or DLL the coverage of which is measured. It could also be derived from a program that runs unit tests, or maybe still another file. In this case, try the most recent file with the extension .csexe. The name itself is not relevant for an import. Only the content is checked.

If this does not help, it is possible to debug this issue by generating a log file. In the following example, the log is written to the file C:\tmp\coco.log on a Windows system. For other platforms, just change the file name.

  1. Add --cs-verbose=api and --cs-verbose-file=C:\tmp\coco.log to your instrumentation parameters.
  2. Completely rebuild the application and its dependencies.
  3. Create a folder C:\tmp and verify that it is writeable for all users.
  4. Run your application. The file C:\tmp\coco.log will be generated with information about the location of the execution report or possible generation failures.