How to activate the Squish object popup (Web)

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Squish for Web and Squish for Qt+Webkit have support for a popup which shows useful information about the object under the mouse cursor. This is useful if you are unable to pick an HTML element with the Squish Spy.

Enabling the Squish object popup

To enable the popup create a file called webwrapper.ini in %APPDATA%\froglogic\Squish\ver1 on Microsoft Windows and $HOME/.squish/ver1 on other operating systems.

The file needs to set the EnableObjectInfoOverlay property to true, like shown here:


Then start your web browser or your QtWebKit application with Squish, press and hold Ctrl+Alt (Windows) or Command+Option (Mac OS X) and click on an object in the webview or browser:

The object popup will pop up and show the DOM path and the real name of the object. This information can be copied to the clipboard.

Clicking anywhere in the page again or on the close button closes the popup.

Additional note for QtWebKit applications

Note that with QtWebKit applications you need to trigger injection of the Squish webkit extension by either picking the webview or by navigating to and expanding it through the view Application Objects in the Squish IDE.