Installing Squish For Android

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Setting up Android SDK and Android Emulator

Step 1 - Download and unzip SDK (ADT Bundle) .

Step 2 - Launch Android SDK Manager:

On Windows: Launch SDK Manager.exe

On Mac: ./android from the application directory, and tools folder.

Step 3 - Leave default selection as is, except for the following:

With the selection looks this now:

Step 4 - Click button Install 3 packages.

Step 5 - In the upcoming summary dialog choose Accept License and click button Install. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 until no further packages can be installed.

Step 6 - Launch the AVD Manager:

On Windows: Launch it

Enter a name in the Name box, select a Target, enter an SD card size in the Size box, select a built-in Skin from the Built-in list and click Create AVD.

On Mac: From terminal, cd to application directory, tools folder: {{./android create avd -n [NameOfAVDToCreate] -t 1}}

Step - 7 Open a command line session

Step - 8 CD to the android-sdk install location, and then the tools folder

Step - 9 Launch emulator and specify the avd created above. Example: ./emulator -avd MyAVD (Mac) or emulator -avd MyAVD (Windows). On Windows, the emulator can also be launched from the AVD Manager GUI.

Step - 10 The emulator launches

Setting up Squish for Android

Step 1 - Extract and install the Squish for Android package

Step 2 - Launch squishide from [SQUISH APP DIR]\bin

Step 3 - Open Test Suite: [SQUISH APP DIR]\examples\android\suite_AddressBook_py

Step 4 - Select Test Suite Setting (first button to the right of the Test Suite drop down list)

Step 5 - Confirm the Package list contains com.froglogic.addressbook and select New

Step 6 - Confirm the application (AUT) is not running on the device or emulator.

Step 7 - Select a device on which the application should be deployed and click Instrument and Deploy

Step 8 - To Instrument and Deploy multiple devices, select in the package list and click New.

Step 9 - Squish is ready to work with the specified package on the instrumented devices.