Configuring a remote squishserver, remote testing

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By default, the Squish IDE starts and stops squishserver from the Squish package that the IDE has been configured to use.

In some situations it can be useful — or even necessary — to have the Squish IDE communicate with a different squishserver; one that has already been started.

For the following setup you will need a Squish package on the computer where the AUT (Application Under Test) is running the "remote" computer), and a Squish package on the computer where the Squish IDE is to be used.

Step 1 - Configuring a remote squishserver

By default squishserver only allows connections from localhost / / the loopback address.

To enable remote connections adjust the following entry in SQUISH_DIR/etc/squishserverrc from...

# Example allow every IP to access

# Example allow every IP to access

The wildcard * allows connections from any IP address and host name. Replace this with only desired IP addresses/host names, if required for security reasons.

Step 2 - Starting and stopping squishserver on the remote computer

By default the Squish IDE starts and stops squishserver as necessary. If you configure the Squish IDE to use a different squishserver, then you must take responsibility for starting this squishserver before starting the Squish IDE, and for stopping it once it is no longer needed.

SQUISH_DIR/bin/squishserver --verbose
Starting squishserver in a shell/cmd.exe
SQUISH_DIR/bin/squishserver --stop
Stopping squishserver in a shell/cmd.exe

You can find more details in the squishserver section of the Command Line Reference .

Step 3 - Configuring a remote squishserver in the Squish IDE

Configure the Squish IDE to use the running squishserver at Edit > Preferences > Squish > Remote Testing: