How to extract images from verification point files

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To extract images from verification point files you can use the tool SQUISHDIR/bin/convertp.

For example, this command will extract all the images from the given verification point file (C:\Users\MyUser\Test Suites\suite_1\tst_1\verificationPoints\MainWindowVP):

"SQUISHDIR\bin\convertvp" --fromvp "C:\Users\MyUser\Test Suites\suite_1\tst_1\verificationPoints\MainWindowVP" "C:\Users\MyUser\Desktop\extracted_images"

The images are put into the specified folder (C:\Users\MyUser\Desktop\extracted_images) with the names: img_1.png, img_2.png, img_3.png, and so on.

Here is convertvp's built-in usage information (output by convertvp --help):

convertvp - Utility to convert screenshots to VPs and retrieves
            screenshot from VPs

Usage: convertvp --tovp vpfile image objectname
       convertvp --updatevp vpfile image [image ...]
       convertvp --fromvp vpfile outdir [--export-masks]
       convertvp --topng image out.png
       convertvp --diff image1 image2 out.png
       convertvp --apply-mask maskfile image out.png

The option --updatevp updates the images in the vpfile. You must
specify as many images on the commandline as the vpfile contains.

The option --fromvp also allows you to export the mask information;
use the optional --export-mask if you need this. The generated mask
file can be used in conjunction with the --apply-mask option to
generate a masked image.