This article demonstrates how to set up a Python virtual environment using the virtualenv module, and how to use that virtual environment with Squish.
The steps below assume the following:
The user's home directory is "
".The external Python installation Squish should use is (or is determined by) "
".The version of the external Python installation is 3.8.x.
The Python tool
is available in the external Python installation. (On Ubuntu it may be installed viasudo apt install python3-pip
.)The Python installation in the Squish package has the same major and minor version number (3.8) and architecture as the external Python installation.
Respective values used below need to be adjusted to your specific setup.
Step 1 - Install virtualenv module¶
In a shell/terminal execute:
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
Step 2 - Create Python Virtual Environment¶
In a shell/terminal execute:
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python38 /home/myuser/venv
Step 3 - Configure Squish to use external Python Installation¶
Configure Squish to use the desired external Python installation via :
In a shell/terminal execute:
cd "squish_dir"
/usr/bin/python38 /home/myuser/Downloads/
Step 4 - Configure Squish to use Virtual Environment¶
In the file squish_dir/etc/paths.ini
LibraryPath = "...:/usr/lib:..."
LibraryPath = "...:/home/myuser/venv/bin:..."
And also change...
Scripting/PythonHome = "/usr"
Scripting/PythonHome = "/home/myuser/venv"
Step 5 - Start Squish IDE / squishrunner¶
Start Squish IDE / squishrunner with a specific PYTHONPATH (execute in a shell/terminal execute; use a shell script for convenience):
PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python3.8:/usr/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload:/home/myuser/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages "squish_dir/squishide"
The steps below assume the following:
The user's home directory is "
".The external Python installation Squish should use is at "
".The version of the external Python installation is 3.8.x.
The Python tool
is available in the external Python installation. (On Ubuntu it may be installed viasudo apt install python3-pip
.)The Python installation in the Squish package has the same major and minor version number (3.8) and architecture as the external Python installation.
Respective values used below need to be adjusted to your specific setup.
Step 1 - Install virtualenv module¶
In cmd.exe/Command Prompt execute:
pip install virtualenv
Step 2 - Create Python Virtual Environment¶
In cmd.exe/Command Prompt execute:
virtualenv.exe -p C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\python.exe venv
Step 3 - Configure Squish to use external Python Installation¶
Configure Squish to use the desired external Python installation via :
In cmd.exe/Command Prompt execute:
cd "squish_dir"
C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\python.exe C:\Users\myuser\Downloads\
Step 4 - Configure Squish to use Virtual Environment¶
In the file squish_dir/etc/paths.ini
LibraryPath = "...:C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38:..."
LibraryPath = "...:C:\Users\myuser\tmp\venv\Scripts:..."
And also change...
Scripting/PythonHome = "C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38"
Scripting/PythonHome = "C:\Users\myuser\tmp\venv"
Step 5 - Start Squish IDE / squishrunner¶
Start Squish IDE / squishrunner with a specific PYTHONPATH (execute in cmd.exe/Command Prompt; for convenience create a .bat file):
set PYTHONPATH=C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Lib;C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\DLLs;C:\Users\myuser\tmp\venv\Lib\site-packages