Saving screenshot of an object on the local computer

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Screenshots of objects can be taken with the grabWidget() function.

The resulting images can be stored on the computer where the squishserver is running or on a remote machine.

To copy the file to the computer where squishrunner is executing testData.get() can be used:

import os
import os.path
import sys

def main():
    # Register AUT with squishserver:
    aut = "addressbook"
    path = os.path.join(os.environ["SQUISH_PREFIX"], "examples", "qt", "addressbook")
    registerAUT(aut, path)

    save_screenshot({"type": "QMenuBar"}, "qmenubar.png")

def save_screenshot(obj_name, filename):
    widget = waitForObject(obj_name)
    # Create remote screenshot of the widget:
    img = grabWidget(widget)

    # Save image on the computer where the application is running.
    # (Use object.grabScreenshot() to have the image on the
    # computer where the Squish IDE (or squishrunner) is being
    # executed. See, "PNG")

    # Copy remote file to computer that is executing
    # this script/squishrunner:

def registerAUT(aut, path, squishserver_host=None, squishserver_port=None):
    s = '"' + os.environ["SQUISH_PREFIX"] + '/bin/squishrunner"'
    if squishserver_host is not None:
        s += ' --host ' + squishserver_host
    if squishserver_port is not None:
        s += ' port=' + str(squishserver_port)
    s += ' --config addAUT "' + aut + '" "' + path + '"'
    if sys.platform == "win32" and s.endswith('"'):
        s = '"' + s
    test.log("Executing: " + s)

Creating and comparing screenshots at runtime