Squish 7.0.0 Known Issues

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Known Issues - Squish 7.0.0 Release

Release Date: March 3rd, 2022

Recommended Update: 7.0.1

Squish for iOS

The AUT sometimes fails to open the listening port for attaching?

Note: Please contact contact us (via a new support request created at 'Support Center' at https://account.qt.io/ ) if this turns out to be useful for you. Given sufficient confirmation the original instructions on the Squish manual will be updated.

Apple has introduced App Prewarming with iOS 15.1. According to the Squish manual, the AUT's call to squish_allowAttaching(..) is placed in the Objective-C main function. That function will be executed very early during prewarming. As a result, Squish may fail to open the listening port.

A safer way to initialize Squish is to do it later in the launch cycle, when it is certain that the app was launched by the user. The code needed to launch the Squish does not go into the main.m file anymore. Instead, place it in application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions: in your app delegate.

AUTs with arm64 architecture are unsupported on iOS Simulator

Squish currently only supports testing AUTs on iOS Simulator that have only the x86_64 architecture compiled in. Universal binaries as well as pure arm64 binaries do not work. This is caused by problems with packaging Qt for iOS devices (arm64), ARM Macs (Simulator, arm64e) and Intel Macs (Simulator, x86_64) in a fat library.

All accessibility properties of the AUT are <null> when running on an iOS device

Due to restrictions on iOS and iPadOS, Squish might not be able to access the accessibility properties (their name starts with accessibility) of the AUT when running on an iOS device. The value of all properties accessed through Squish will then be <null>.

As a workaround, please start Apple's Accessibility Inspector (XcodeOpen Developer ToolAccessibility Inspector) and select your AUT on the device where Squish was not able to access the accessibility properties. Afterwards, Squish should be able to access the accessibility properties as expected.

Also make sure that Enable UI Automation is enabled in the system's SettingsDeveloper.

Squish IDE

Flickering UI and transparent pulldown menus on some Linux systems

We received reports that on some Linux systems the IDE's UI can flicker a lot and pulldown menus may appear transparent. These problems seem to be caused by the underlying Eclipse framework the IDE uses. The problems are tracked under the bug id's 567652 for the pulldown menu and 568554 for the flickering. The suggested workaround is to change the Theme of Eclipse from the default 'Light' to the 'Classic' theme. You can find this in the Squish IDE by going to the Preferences dialog and navigating to General/Appearance.

Low text-to-background contrast in Squish IDE welcome page with dark theme

When dark theme is used in Squish IDE on Linux and macOS, welcome page shows dark text on dark background. This problem is caused by CSS used to style the welcome page, which is shipped with Eclipse framework the IDE uses.

Workaround 1: Use light theme (themes can be selected in General section of Squish IDE preferences).

Workaround 2: Customize the appearance of the welcome page in corresponding Eclipse dialog . Pick a theme that looks better in dark mode (e.g. solstice).

Welcome View has no close button in the tabbar

On Linux and Windows systems, when updating Squish from an older release to 7.0.0 we found that the small close button in the tab bar of the Welcome view is missing. This issue only occurs when a previous version of Squish has been used on the system under the same user account.

Workaround 1: You can hide the welcome view, so only a few icons are visible in the status bar, by clicking the 'Workbench' button Workbench Button on the top-right corner of the welcome view.

Workaround 2: You can minimize the welcome view using the small horizontal bar minimize button icon in the top right corner of the view. This will keep an icon on the right side of the IDE's mainwindow to open up the view again.

Workaround 3:It is possible to rename the folder $HOME/.squish/workspace-ver-4 to reset the IDE's persisted state. Upon the next start of the IDE the Welcome View will have the close button again. This option also resets any preference changes you may have done as well as any changes to the View arrangements.

On some Linux and macOS systems, links to external websites in IDE welcome page and elsewhere in IDE, as well as Squish online and offline HTML documentation may unexpectedly open in a text or HTML editor instead of a web browser. This is a known issue in Eclipse framework the IDE uses in that these links are not treated as HTTP(S) URLs, but rather as individual HTML files. Depending on user's desktop settings and the order of preference of applications to open different file extensions, the preferred application for HTML may be a text or HTML editor. Squish IDE then simply honours this preference.

Workaround 1: In your desktop settings, modify file associations and change the order of preference of applications for MIME type 'text/html' in such a way that a web browser will have the highest priority.

Workaround 2: Go to IDE preferences (Edit → Preferences → General → Web Browser) and make sure Use External Browser option is active. In the list of web browsers below, explicitly select one of the web browsers installed on the system (if possible, do not select Default system web browser option)

Eclipse IDE integration fails to install or upgrade on Windows and macOS

Due to platform-specific dependencies missing from downloadable archive, Eclipse IDE integration currently can't be installed on Windows and macOS. Upgrade from previous versions to the newest version 7.0 fails on these platforms as well.

There is no known workaround for Windows and macOS other than using stand-alone Squish IDE as an alternative. If this is not an option, please contact Squish technical support to obtain Eclipse IDE integration package with a fix for this (Fixed on 2022-04-22)