Known Limitations of Model-based Testing (Technical Preview)

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General Limitations of the Technical Preview

Model-based testing (MBT) is a systemic approach to testing that utilizes models as high-level abstractions of the systems under test. This is a highly anticipated feature and we want to ensure we take our users feedback into account while developing it. This is the reason we release the Model-based testing support now with some known limitations.

We encourage all our users to participate in the MBT Technical Preview Questionaire to provide their feedback how we should best develop the MBT feature further.

Generating step implementations fails with Ruby on Windows 11

This is due to a general problem on Windows 11 with Ruby, see the corresponding entry in the 7.2.1 known issues page for more details.

Workaround: The step implementation file needs to be written manually. The shared script file (Manage contacts_0.rb) from the example test suites for model-based testing in the Squish installation can be used as a template.