Automating PySide applications

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When automating PySide applications one may get the following error:

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found

To avoid this error the following steps should be used.


Use a .bat file as AUT, instead of the .exe file. The .bat file contents should be similar to this:

set PATH=C:\Program Files\My Application\pyside-1.2.1-py2.7-win32.egg\PySide;%PATH%

if defined SQUISH_PREFIX set _="%SQUISH_PREFIX%\bin\dllpreload.exe"
%_% "C:\Program Files\My Application\My Application.exe"

(To look up the path of the Qt DLLs loaded by an application one can use Getting a list of DLLs currently loaded in a process .)

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