Getting screen coordinates of QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsObject

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The helper functions below calculate the screen coordinates of the specified items of QGraphicsViews, which may be required for use with mousePress() , mouseRelease() and others.


import * as names from 'names.js'

function main()

    var name_view = {"type": "QGraphicsView"};
    var name_item = {"acceptDrops": "yes", "container": names.Drag_and_Drop_Robot_QGraphicsObject,
    "enabled": "yes", "focusable": "no", "movable": "no", "selectable": "no",
    "type": "QGraphicsObject", "visible": "yes"};

    rect = qgraphicsitem_to_display_coordinates(name_view, name_item)
    test.log(rect.x + " / " + rect.y);


function qgraphicsitem_to_display_coordinates(viewObjectOrName, itemObjectOrName)
    var get_pos = function(view, item, point) {
            var scenePos = item.mapToScene(point);
            var viewportPos = view.mapFromScene(scenePos);
            var viewPos = view.viewport().mapToParent(viewportPos);
            var globalViewPos = view.mapToGlobal(new QPoint(0, 0));
            return [globalViewPos.x + viewPos.x, globalViewPos.y + viewPos.y];

    var item = waitForObject(itemObjectOrName);
    if (typeName(item) != "QGraphicsItem") {
        item = object.convertTo(item, "QGraphicsItem");
    var view = waitForObject(viewObjectOrName);
    var itemRect = item.boundingRect();
    var r = new Object();
    var p = get_pos(view, item, itemRect.topLeft());
    r.x = p[0];
    r.y = p[1];
    p = get_pos(view, item, itemRect.bottomRight());
    r.x2 = p[0];
    r.y2 = p[1];
    r.width = r.x2 - r.x;
    r.height = r.y2 - r.y;
    return r;


import names

def main():

    name_view = {"type": "QGraphicsView"}
    name_item = {"acceptDrops": "yes", "container": names.Drag and Drop Robot_QGraphicsObject,
    "enabled": "yes", "focusable": "no", "movable": "no", "selectable": "no",
    "type": "QGraphicsObject", "visible": "yes"}

    rect = qgraphicsitem_to_display_coordinates(name_view, name_item)
    test.log("%s / %s" % (rect.x, rect.y))


def qgraphicsitem_to_display_coordinates(viewObjectOrName, itemObjectOrName):
    class rect:

    def get_pos(view, item, point):
        scenePos = item.mapToScene(point)
        viewportPos = view.mapFromScene(scenePos)
        viewPos = view.viewport().mapToParent(viewportPos)
        globalViewPos = view.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0))
        return globalViewPos.x + viewPos.x, globalViewPos.y + viewPos.y

    item = waitForObject(itemObjectOrName)
    if className(item) != "QGraphicsItem":
        item = object.convertTo(item, "QGraphicsItem")
    view = waitForObject(viewObjectOrName)
    itemRect = item.boundingRect()
    r = rect()
    r.x, r.y = get_pos(view, item, itemRect.topLeft())
    r.x2, r.y2 = get_pos(view, item, itemRect.bottomRight())
    r.width = r.x2 - r.x
    r.height = r.y2 - r.y
    return r