Information for Qt related support requests in Squish

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Most of the Information that our technical support requires for Squish for Qt support requests can be obtained by providing the support information, gathered as explained here .

For all the other cases, please read the sections below and provide the information as applicable for your use case.

Basic Information

For problems with Squish/Qt the following information is important for almost every support ticket:

Not having this information makes any kind of log messages easy to misinterpret. Knowing the exact Squish package that is used answers most of these questions already.

How to find out the Squish package

Local Testing

If the Squish IDE is used, this information can be collected from the support information . At least the file buildinfo.txt from the Squish installation folder is required.

Remote Testing

The file buildinfo.txt from installation directory on remote side is required here as well.

Starting or Hooking AUT does not work


This most commonly results in the AUT not starting at all or starting and exiting unexpected, after trying to execute a test or record from the IDE.

Required Information

If the IDE is used and the test is executed on the same machine, the support information are required. Please follow the instructions in this .

In a Remote Testing setup or when using the squishtest module, the information needs to be collected by the user. This includes:

Qt AUT crashes (during recording or replay)

Information that can be helpful for investigation of crashes

How often can the crash be reproduced? Always? Only sometimes? When does the crash happen ? What type of controls are interacted with and what functions are used on the script end ?

Backtrace on Windows

Backtrace on other OS

Backtrace on Unix

Building Squish/Qt from sources fails (embedded & desktop)

Screenshots or single-line error messages are often not enough to understand build problems. The following information helps putting error messages into context and often explains why the error happened in the first place.