"Cannot add entry to test result which is completed already"

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Messages like...

Cannot add entry to test result which is completed already, [...]

...may appear in the Runner/Server Log view, or in the output of squishrunner.

These messages are being sent from squishserver to squishrunner, and in these cases they have been received after squishrunner had already closed the test results (file or data structure).

Cases with "Process exited."

Cannot add entry to test result which is completed already, type 7 with message 'Process exited.'

This message can be ignored, unless the application exited unexpectedly:

This message may indicate that the AUT is a "single instance" application which enforces a single instance to be run only, and that there already is a running instance of the application. This usually causes any new instance to inform the already running application to show its GUI, and then the new instance closes again, without ever showing a GUI. To the user this looks as if they had just started the application normally, while this is not the case.

Cases with "Process exited abnormally."

Cannot add entry to test result which is completed already, type 15 with message 'Process exited abnormally.'

This indicates that the application crashed and the application crash should be investigated by the application developers.