"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError Java heap space"

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You are getting the following error message...

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

This OutOfMemoryError is most of the time reported because the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) that executes the Squish IDE ran into its configured memory limit.

Possible solutions

Add heap space options to squishide.ini

Open squishide.ini <SQUISH_DIR>/bin/ide/squishide.ini (Windows/Unix) or <SQUISH_DIR>/bin/ide/squishide.app/Contents/MacOS/squishide.ini (Mac) in an editor and adjust (or append, if not there already) the lines...




So the complete file contents should look similar to this:


The parameter -Xmx specifies the maximum amount of heap size that the JVM of the Squish IDE is allowed to use. The value 768m specifies 768 megabyte.

You may have to increase the -Xmx parameter further if you still get the error.

Please note that specifying a value that is too large may cause failure to startup or falling back to the default heap size of currently 256 megabyte (or similar).

The value '2048' in this example is used for demonstration purpose only. The actual value should be adjusted to the capabilities of your hardware.

Too many log entries

Because the Squish IDE is Java application, and due to the nature of Java Virtual Machines having a fixed upper memory limit (for security reasons and resource conservation), anything that consumes resources in the Squish IDE can eventually contribute to its Java Virtual Machine running out of memory.

A typical cause is running whole test suites or many test cases which accumulate very large numbers of log entries.

Because of this memory configuration (and for other reasons, like not being able to choose the report format), the Squish IDE is not well equipped for such uses cases, and instead a batch file or shell script should be used to execute the desired test suites or test cases. (Also see Automated Batch Testing .)

Too many top level JavaScript classes, symbols

Too many top level JavaScript classes/symbols can cause severe increase of heap consumption (noticeable only starting at around a few hundred classes). For example:

function MySubclass1()
    // ...

function MySubclass2()
    // ...

function MyClass()
    this.MySubclass1 = new MySubclass1();
    this.MySubclass2 = new MySubclass2();

Here is an example which avoids the large heap memory consumption by having only one top level class/symbol:

function MyClass() {
    function MySubclass1() {
        // ...
    this.MySubclass1 = new MySubclass1();

    function MySubclass2() {
        // ...
    this.MySubclass2 = new MySubclass2();
