import os
import os.path
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
squishserver_port_2_process = {}
def main():
# Clone Squish settings folder prior to loadUrl() /
# startBrowser() to ensure that no active session
# data is being cloned (!):
# Load page in default/initial browser instance:
# Fetch application context of first browser instance;
# required to switch back and forth. Also see:
ctx_browser1 = currentApplicationContext()
# Start second browser instance and fetch application
# context of the new browser instance; required to
# switch back and forth.
# Also see:
# The TCP port provided must not be in use:
ctx_browser2 = start_new_browser_instance("google-chrome", 9990)
# Load page in new browser instance:
# Start third browser instance and fetch application
# context of the new browser instance.
# The TCP port provided must not be in use:
ctx_browser2 = start_new_browser_instance("firefox", 9991)
# Load page in new browser instance:
def cleanup():
# Close all browser instances:
for ctx in applicationContextList():
# Ask each separately started squishserver to
# shut down:
global squishserver_port_2_process
for port in squishserver_port_2_process.iterkeys():
subprocess.Popen(["squishserver", "--port", str(port), "--stop"]).wait()
# Kill each separately started squishserver:
for process in squishserver_port_2_process.itervalues():
def create_user_settings_master_clone():
user_settings_path = _squish_user_settings_path()
user_settings_clone_master = _clone_master_path()
if os.path.exists(user_settings_clone_master):
shutil.copytree(user_settings_path, user_settings_clone_master, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns("workspace-ver-4*", "squishlibrary*"))
def start_new_browser_instance(browser_id, squishserver_port):
if browser_id not in ["firefox", "google-chrome", "ie"]:
test.fatal("ERROR: Unknown browser ID: %s" % browser_id)
return None
global squishserver_port_2_process
if squishserver_port in squishserver_port_2_process:
test.fatal("ERROR: Port for squishserver already used: %s" % squishserver_port)
return None
squish_user_settings = _clone_squish_user_settings_from_master_clone(squishserver_port)
squishserver_process = _start_squishserver(squishserver_port, squish_user_settings)
squishserver_port_2_process["%s" % squishserver_port] = squishserver_process
_set_default_browser(browser_id, squishserver_port, squish_user_settings)
return startApplication("__squish__webhook", "localhost", squishserver_port)
def _set_default_browser(browser_id, squishserver_port, squish_user_settings):
args = []
args += ["squishrunner"]
args += ["--host"]
args += ["localhost"]
args += ["--port"]
args += [str(squishserver_port)]
args += ["--config"]
args += ["setDefaultWebBrowser"]
args += [browser_id]
env = os.environ.copy()
env["SQUISH_USER_SETTINGS_DIR"] = squish_user_settings
subprocess.Popen(args=args, env=env).wait()
def _start_squishserver(squishserver_port, squish_user_settings):
env = os.environ.copy()
env["SQUISH_USER_SETTINGS_DIR"] = squish_user_settings
# Start any squishserver already running on this port:
args = ["squishserver"]
args += ["--port"]
args += [str(squishserver_port)]
args += ["--stop"]
subprocess.Popen(args=args, env=env).wait()
args = ["squishserver"]
args += ["--verbose"]
args += ["--port"]
args += [str(squishserver_port)]
return subprocess.Popen(args=args, env=env)
def _clone_squish_user_settings_from_master_clone(squishserver_port):
user_settings_clone_master = _clone_master_path()
user_settings_clone = "%s_clone_%s" % (_squish_user_settings_path(), squishserver_port)
if os.path.exists(user_settings_clone):
shutil.copytree(user_settings_clone_master, user_settings_clone, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns("workspace-ver-4*", "squishlibrary*"))
return user_settings_clone
def _clone_master_path():
return _squish_user_settings_path() + "_clone_master"
def _squish_user_settings_path():
if sys.platform == "win32":
return os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], "froglogic", "Squish")
return os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".squish")