# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import os.path
def main():
# Explicitly start the application that we want
# to automate - this is just for sake of this
# example, in other cases it will likely be
# running already:
os.system("cmd /c start wordpad")
# Pause long enough for the application to
# show its window:
# We need a real or a dummy AUT for the following
# function, so start one, and make sure to
# close it again, too.
# This assume Squish for Qt; remove (if there is
# a hooked up AUT already), or adjust as needed):
ctx = startApplication('"%s/examples/qt/addressbook/addressbook"' % os.environ["SQUISH_PREFIX"])
# Hook up the application that we want to
# automate via its window title:
hook_up_win_aut_by_title("* - WordPad", squish_for_windows_dir="C:/Users/myuser/Squish for Windows 6.7.1")
# Make sure to close the dummy AUT again:
# To record on the application, execute to the
# following command and choose...
# Run > Record Snippet
# ...to start snippet recording:
def init():
# To avoid having multiple instances of the AUT
# running, let's kill it, and start a new
# instance of it later:
os.system("taskkill /f /im wordpad.exe 2>nul")
def cleanup():
# Make sure we kill our AUT after test case
# execution ends normally:
os.system("taskkill /f /im wordpad.exe 2>nul")
def hook_up_win_aut_by_title(
output_file_name="%s/../hook_up_win_aut.txt" % os.path.abspath(os.path.join(squishinfo.testCase, ".."))):
A hooked up AUT is required for this function to work.
test.startSection(f'Hook up by window title ("{ window_title }")')
# An application context of an actual AUT is required:
if len(applicationContextList()) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("A hooked up AUT is required for this function to work. Aborting.")
ctx = currentApplicationContext()
# Required:
os.putenv("SQUISH_RUNNERID", ctx.environmentVariable("SQUISH_RUNNERID"))
os.putenv("SQUISH_PORT", "%s" % ctx.port)
os.putenv("SQUISH_SERVERADDRESS", ctx.host)
# Only to suppress error messages,
# works without:
os.putenv("SQUISH_RECORD", "0")
os.putenv("SQUISH_APPID", "-1")
# Hook up the AUT process via
# squish_dir\bin\startaut.exe:
cmd = 'start "startwinaut" /min cmd /c ""%s/bin/startwinaut" --aut-timeout=%s --window-title="%s" >"%s" 2>&1""'
cmd = cmd % (squish_for_windows_dir, timeout_secs, window_title, output_file_name)
test.log("Executing: %s" % cmd)
# Verify hook up, log error if not:
test.log("Waiting for hook up")
return waitForApplicationLaunch(timeout_secs)
test.fatal("hook_up_win_aut(): No new AUT hooked up")
import codecs
lines = codecs.open(output_file_name, "r", "utf-8").read().replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n").split("\n")
lines2 = []
for l in lines:
if len(l.strip()) > 0:
if len(lines2) > 0:
test.fatal("hook_up_win_aut(): Output from: %s:" % output_file_name)
for l in lines2:
if len(l.strip()) > 0:
test.fatal(" " + l)